Saturday, March 2, 2019

Titanic China: 3rd class

3rd class on a White Star Liner didn't use any patterns.  In 3rd class, they were white with a simple White Star Line burgee logo in the center.  Like 2nd class, 3rd class china is very rare and hard to come by.  And when you do find some available, they are expensive.  

Before I get to the china, I'd like to feature this 3rd class menu from 1913 used on board the RMS Cedric.  When you compare what's offered on this menu with what was offered on the Titanic, they offered the same meals and courses with a few exceptions.  It's a great glimpse into what they offered back then to eat.

This was a dinner plate used in 3rd class on a White Star Line steamer.

This is one of the rarer pieces in my collection.  Regular 3rd class china like plates and such are rare.  Specialty dishes are rarer still.  This is a 3rd class salt dish used to offer salt to the passengers who wanted to add flavor to their meals.  

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